Nitrous Oxide From Grass Fed Beef Cows

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  • PMC6024564

Sci Full Environ. 2018 Sep 1; 635: 607–617.

The contribution of cattle urine and dung to nitrous oxide emissions: Quantification of state specific emission factors and implications for national inventories

D.R. Chadwick,a, Fifty.M. Cardenas,b M.S. Dhanoa,b North. Donovan,b T. Misselbrook,b J.R. Williams,c R.E. Thorman,c K.L. McGeough,d C.J. Watson,d M. Bong,e S.G. Anthony,f and R.M. Reese

D.R. Chadwick

aSchool of Environment, Natural Resource and Geography, Bangor University, Bangor LL57 2UW, UK

L.Thou. Cardenas

bRothamsted Enquiry, North Wyke, Devon EX20 2SB, U.k.

M.South. Dhanoa

bRothamsted Research, North Wyke, Devon EX20 2SB, U.k.

N. Donovan

bRothamsted Research, North Wyke, Devon EX20 2SB, Uk

T. Misselbrook

bRothamsted Inquiry, North Wyke, Devon EX20 2SB, Uk

J.R. Williams

cADAS Boxworth, Battlegate Rd., Cambridge CB23 4NN, UK

R.E. Thorman

cADAS Boxworth, Battlegate Rd., Cambridge CB23 4NN, UK

K.Fifty. McGeough

dAgri-Food and Biosciences Found, 18a, Newforge Lane, BT9 5PX, Belfast, U.k.

C.J. Watson

dAgri-Nutrient and Biosciences Establish, 18a, Newforge Lane, BT9 5PX, Belfast, United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland

1000. Bell

eastwardScotland's Rural Higher (SRUC), West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JG, UK

S.G. Anthony

fADAS Wolverhampton, Titan 1 offices, Coxwell Avenue, Wolverhampton Science Park, Wolverhampton WV10 9RT, UK

R.M. Rees

eScotland's Rural Higher (SRUC), West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JG, Great britain

Received 2018 Mar 12; Revised 2018 Apr 10; Accepted 2018 Apr x.


Urine patches and dung pats from grazing livestock create hotspots for production and emission of the greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide (N2O), and represent a big proportion of total Northward2O emissions in many national agricultural greenhouse gas inventories. As such, at that place is much involvement in developing land specific N2O emission factors (EFs) for excretal nitrogen (EFiii, pasture, range and paddock) deposited during gazing. The aims of this study were to generate separate North2O emissions information for cattle derived urine and dung, to provide an evidence base for the generation of a country specific EF for the UK from this nitrogen source. The experiments were also designed to determine the effects of site and timing of application on emissions, and the efficacy of the nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD) on Due northtwoO losses. This co-ordinated prepare of fifteen plot-calibration, twelvemonth-long field experiments using static chambers was conducted at five grassland sites, typical of the soil and climatic zones of grazed grassland in the UK. We show that the average urine and dung NtwoO EFs were 0.69% and 0.19%, respectively, resulting in a combined excretal N2O EF (EF3), of 0.49%, which is <25% of the IPCC default EFiii for excretal returns from grazing cattle. Regression assay suggests that urine N2O EFs were controlled more past composition than was the case for dung, whilst dung N2O EFs were more related to soil and environmental factors. The urine N2O EF was significantly greater from the site in SW England, and significantly greater from the early grazing season urine application than afterward applications. Dycandiamide reduced the N2O EF from urine patches by an boilerplate of 46%. The significantly lower excretal EFiii than the IPCC default has implications for the Britain'due south national inventory and for subsequent carbon footprinting of UK ruminant livestock products.

Keywords: Grassland, Greenhouse gas, Nitrous oxide, Cattle, Urine patch, Dung pat, Nitrification inhibitor, Dicyandiamide, Inventory

Graphical abstract

Unlabelled Image

one. Introduction

Grazed grasslands support a significant proportion of sheep and cattle production throughout Europe and other parts of the Globe, converting human-inedible plant biomass into human edible animal products but with generally low nitrogen (N) use efficiencies. The ruminant beast converts much of the organic Northward in plant biomass into highly reactive and bioavailable N (Nr), peculiarly as excreted in the urine. It is thought that iii.08 Mt. of N is deposited by grazing livestock in Europe, and this value is thought to exist every bit much as ca. 0.61 Mt. N in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland (UNFCCC, 2016). It is well documented that urine additions to grassland soils result in significant quantities of North2O production and emission, mainly due to the soil microbial processes of nitrification and denitrification (Selbie et al., 2015), following the addition of readily available North and carbon (C), and the effects of significantly increased percentage of water-filled pore space (WFPS) inside the urine patch (van der Weerden et al., 2017).

Deposition of North in urine patches tin stand for an equivalent application rate of 200–2000 kg Due north ha−i (Selbie et al., 2015), depending on the poly peptide content of the sward, livestock type, age and phase of lactation. A meta-analysis past Selbie et al. (2015) indicates average urine patch N loading rates of 613 kg N ha−i and 345 kg North ha−1 for dairy cows and beefiness cattle, respectively. Clearly, North loading rates in urine patches are in excess of optimal institute utilize efficiency, increasing the risk of excess Due north being lost to the environment via nitrate (NO3 ) leaching (de Klein and Ledgard, 2001; Di and Cameron, 2007), ammonia (NH3) volatilization (Lockyer and Whitehead, 1990; Laubach et al., 2013; Burchill et al., 2017), Due north2O (Di and Cameron, 2008; Krol et al., 2016; Van der Weerden et al., 2017; Minet et al., 2018) and Due northtwo (Clough et al., 1998) emissions. All of these N loss pathways (except North2O losses) typically represent a significant agronomic loss, and all simply North2 loss have detrimental furnishings on the surround.

At these high rates of N loading, the NtwoO emission is likely to be disproportionally greater than emissions from N sources applied at lower N loading rates, eastward.thousand. typical fertiliser Northward applications at agronomic rates. A curvilinear response of Due northtwoO emissions to N loading has been shown previously, e.g. Cardenas et al. (2010) for fertiliser Due north (NH4NO3) applications between 0 and 375 kg Northward ha−1 to grazed swards. Bell et al. (2015) likewise showed a non-linear response of Due north2O fluxes to NHivNOiii applications (0–400 kg N ha−i) to cut grass. More than specifically for urine applications, de Klein et al. (2014) demonstrated greater North2O emissions, every bit a percent of N practical, i.e. emission factors (EFs), (0.34%) from urine patches receiving an N loading of 1200 kg ha−1 compared to urine patches with a lower Northward loading (0.10% from a loading of 200 kg ha−1) on a freely draining soil, although a linear relationship between NorthiiO EFs and urine N loading was observed on a poorly tuckered soil. van Groenigen et al. (2005) found no result of N loading in urine patches on the NtwoO EF.

For excretion during cattle grazing, the default IPCC N2O EF (pasture, range and paddock) is 2% for (combined excretal urine + dung EF) (cf to 1% for fertiliser N), whilst the N2O EF for sheep excretal Due north during grazing is simply 1% (IPCC, 2006). UNFCCC submissions for 2015 from unlike countries (using IPCC Tier 1/ii, 2006 Guidelines) show that direct NorthiiO emissions post-obit N deposited to soil by grazing livestock represents from <5% (e.g. in Nihon) to >65% (in New Zealand) of total national direct soil N2O emissions (Fig. one), with greater contributions coming from countries where livestock graze for meaning periods of the year (UNFCCC, 2016). As this source of direct NorthwardtwoO emissions is significant to many national agronomical greenhouse gas inventories, there is increasing interest in developing country specific EFs that better reverberate national soils and climatic conditions (e.k. Krol et al., 2016 for Ireland).

Fig. 1

Almanac (year 2014) agricultural NorthwardiiO emissions and direct N2O emissions from excreta deposited by grazing livestock (pasture, range and paddock), expressed as a percent of the total agricultural N2O emission, from unlike nations (source: UNFCCC, 2016).

Nearly Nr excreted during grazing is in the urine, which is generally comprised of urea that requires hydrolysis to gratuitous NH4 + (Selbie et al., 2015). In dung, near N is in the organic course, and requires mineralisation over a longer time period to provide a pool of NHfour + for nitrification and NO3 for denitrification. The split betwixt urine and dung for total excretal N will depend on dietary protein intake compared with requirement past the animal (every bit protein intake increases above requirement proportionally more Northward will be excreted equally urine (Broderick, 2003; Reed et al., 2015), and partially on the digestibility of the protein in the nutrition (with a higher proportion of less digestible protein being excreted as faecal N). The UK GHG and ammonia emission inventories to date have causeless threescore% of total Due north excretion by cattle to be every bit urine and 40% equally dung (Webb and Misselbrook, 2004), in common with other Western European countries (Reidy et al., 2008). Disaggregating emissions to urine and dung offers an improved understanding of the sources of NorthwardiiO from grazed pastures, and hence how they could exist mitigated.

Since direct N2O emissions from grazing livestock represent such a large term in national agricultural greenhouse gas inventories, there has been pregnant interest in understanding factors that contribute to North2O production and emission from this source, e.g. soil type (Clough et al., 1998), urine composition (Kool et al., 2006; Gardiner et al., 2016), weather weather (Krol et al., 2016), and in exploring strategies to reduce emissions. For example, Monaghan and de Klein (2014) have suggested restricting the duration of fall and wintertime grazing to reduce higher NorthtwoO fluxes associated with urine deposition to moisture soils (Qui et al., 2010; Krol et al., 2016). Other studies take explored how manipulating the natural urine limerick, due east.m. hippuric acid content, can reduce NtwoO production from the urine patch (Clough et al., 2009), and there has been much interest in the use of constructed nitrification inhibitors to reduce both NO3 leaching and N2O emissions from urine patches (Hatch et al., 2005; Di and Cameron, 2012; Barneze et al., 2015). New Zealand and Irish gaelic research groups have taken this a stride farther, in exploring how the nitrification inhibitor dycandiamide (DCD) can be delivered to urine patches to reduce Due northtwoO emissions, e.g. through boluses (Ledgard et al., 2008), in drinking h2o (Welten et al., 2014), and in feed (Luo et al., 2015; Minet et al., 2016, Minet et al., 2018). Even so, recent publicity and research has demonstrated that there are potential unintended consequences of using nitrification inhibitors, such as contagion of milk products, e.chiliad. via root or foliar uptake (Marsden et al., 2015; Pal et al., 2016) and increased ammonia emissions (Lam et al., 2017), then researchers are exploring new inhibitor products, including biological nitrification inhibitory compounds targeted at ruminant production (Gardiner et al., 2016; Balvert et al., 2017; Luo et al., 2018) that may be deemed more acceptable to the public in the futurity.

The Uk greenhouse gas R&D community undertook a big number of field trials to quantify North2O EFs from a range of different N sources (viz, different fertiliser N forms, different manure types, and urine and dung deposited by grazing livestock (Chadwick et al., 2011), as office of a larger plan to improve the reporting tool for the national inventory of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions that amend represents the soils, climate and N direction in the Britain. In this newspaper, we summarise the results of the first co-ordinated set of plot-based experiments aimed at generating new North2O emissions data for disaggregated urine and dung deposition to soil, from which country specific NorthwardiiO EFs tin can be derived that are relevant to UK soils and climate. Some of the individual site experimental results can exist found in Bong et al. (2015) and Cardenas et al. (2016). In the experiments, we tested whether season of urine and dung deposition (early on grazing, mid grazing, later grazing period) influenced the North2O EF. Nosotros as well tested the efficacy of the nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), to reduce NtwoO emissions. An additional reference treatment was included in each experiment, a standardised artificial (synthetic, produced in the laboratory) urine treatment, with the aim of using the information from this treatment to help disentangle the effects of urine composition from soil and climate furnishings on North2O EFs.

The specific aims of this study were to: i) make up one's mind split up directly NiiO EFs for cattle urine and dung, 2) determine if flavour of urine and dung degradation afflicted the direct Due northtwoO emission, iii) assess the effects of site on direct N2O emissions from urine, iv) evaluate the efficacy of the nitrification inhibitor, DCD, to reduce directly NorthiiO emissions from urine, and v) assess the influence of using the combined experimentally derived urine and dung NorthwardtwoO EF on national N2O emissions.

2. Materials and methods

two.1. Site selection

Five experimental sites were selected to cover the range of typical grassland soils and climate throughout the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, with 2 sites in England, one in Scotland, one in Wales and one in Northern Ireland (see locations in Fig. two). Descriptions of the sites are shown in Table 1. There take been few previous studies in the UK where NiiO EFs have been quantified from urine and dung deposition that are IPCC compliant (IPCC, 2000, IPCC, 2006) (i.eastward. where emission measurements were too made from control plots, and where measurements lasted for upward to 365 days), that these sites needed to provide an advisable range of soil texture and climate. All the same, some practicality was also considered in site selection; location could non be excessively far from a inquiry base to ensure timely measurements, since >xxx measurement occasions were needed during each 12-month experimental period. Four measurement teams, from different Britain organisations, ADAS, AFBI, Rothamsted Research - N Wyke and SRUC, conducted the xv experiments, following an agreed joint experimental protocol to ensure aspects of the urine and dung management, sleeping accommodation deployment, and coincident measurements were made in a similar style.

Fig. 2

Site location, climate average (1981 to 2010) rainfall and temperature, and distribution of dominant soil types.

Tabular array one

Site and soil characteristics. Soil parameters for the 0–x cm layer.

Site Country Altitude
thirty yr boilerplate annual rainfall
xxx twelvemonth average annual air temperature
Clay content
Soil pH Organic matter content
Bulk density
(1000 cm−iii)
Crichton Scotland l 1140 ix.1 13 5.6 3.05 1.07
Drayton England 47 628 10.3 59 7.6 4.84 0.90
Hillsborough Northern Ireland 128 908 ix.0 23 6.0 9.82 0.ninety
North Wyke England 185 1042 x.0 37 v.7 v.forty 0.62
Pwllpeiran Wales 213 1570 10.0 29 5.5 5.40 0.92

Experiments were conducted on established grasslands where the dominant pasture plant was Lolium perenne, which is typical of UK livestock systems (Fig. 2). Each experiment comprised iii replicate blocks with five treatments, so a total of 15 plots were sampled on every occasion. There were 5 urine patches or 5 dung pats per plot (to account for variability in soil weather) with one bedchamber per patch/pat, hence 45 chambers per experiment. There were also control plots that received no treatment awarding. Applications were made in the spring, summer and autumn (to separate plots), to simulate excretal degradation in early-, mid- and late- grazing season. Livestock were excluded from grazing the experimental areas at least six months prior to the first of any experiment. This minimised whatever straight effect of previous deposition of excreta on NtwoO emissions.

2.2. Urine and dung provision

The experimental design resulted in the need for ca. 200 l of fresh cattle urine and ca. 300 kg dung for each experiment. Urine and dung were collected from the institutions summarised in Table 2 inside seven days of an experiment starting, and stored in sealed containers (un-acidified) at <four °C. Table 2 summarises the origin of the urine and dung used in each experiment.

Table 2

Sources of urine and dung for the experiments.

Cattle type Age and approx. live weight Diet
Crichton Lactating dairy cows iii–7 years erstwhile
(ca 600 kg)
Grass silage + concentrates (half-dozen.5 kg DM caput−1 day−1)
Drayton Lactating dairy cows 6 years old
(ca. 600 kg)
Concentrate blend, hay, straw, grass silage, maize silage
Hillsborough Lactating dairy cows 3–5 years quondam
(ca. 600 kg)
Grass silage + concentrates
(4 kg DM head−1 day−1)
Due north Wyke Lactating dairy cows six years onetime
(ca. 600 kg)
Concentrate blend, hay, straw, grass silage, maize silage
Pwllpeiran Lactating dairy cows 6 years quondam
(ca. 600 kg)
Concentrate blend, hay, straw, grass silage, maize silage

2.3. Treatments

Urine and dung were removed from common cold storage at least 12 h earlier application to the soil, to allow them to reach ambient temperature prior to application to the soil. Urine and dung were applied at typical N loading rates and volumes. The volumetric loading rate was based on a typical one.eight fifty per urination event (Misselbrook et al., 2016). Since the N content of the collected urine varied between feeding trials, the N loading rate varied between an equivalent rate of 340 and 570 kg ha−1, with an average loading rate of 455 kg Due north ha−1 (see Table 4a). Dung was applied at an equivalent charge per unit of 20 kg m−ii, representing typical deposition by grazing cattle (Sugimoto and Brawl, 1989), with an average loading charge per unit of 835 kg N ha−i (range 625–1020 kg Due north ha−1; Tabular array 4b). Since urine limerick could not be controlled between experiments, a standard bogus urine treatment was included at each site as a reference treatment. This was to let the effects of soil and climate to exist determined. The artificial urine recipe of Kool et al. (2006) was used in all experiments.

Table 4a

Average urine composition, and North and C loading rates for each experiment.

For urine + DCD treatments, an additional half dozen.5 kg N ha−1 was supplied in the inhibitor. DM = dry matter.

Archived data sources: Bell et al. (2017); Cardenas et al. (2017); McGeough et al. (2017); Thorman et al., 2017a, Thorman et al., 2017b.

Artificial urine
Site Grazing flavor menses Total N loading (kg ha−1) pH DM
Total North
(g fifty−1)
(mg fifty−i)
NH4 +-Due north
(mg l−1)
NOthree -N
(mg l−1)
Total N loading (kg ha−1) pH DM
Total Due north
(thousand l−ane)
Urea-Due north
(mg 50−1)
NHiv +-North
(mg l−ane)
NO3 -N
(mg l−1)
Crichton Early 480 4.9 ix.60 6332 120 180 ane.4 3.threescore 1318
Mid 420 four.6 8.forty 8127 240 425 three.five 8.50 9264
Late 435 4.9 eight.lxx 6231 100 425 iii.5 8.fifty 9264
Drayton Early 540 seven.5 five.five 10.eighty x,780 825 0.five 501 vii.i 4.half-dozen ten.01 9820 25 0.5
Mid 454 ix.0 4.5 9.07 8540 4870 1.five 495 seven.3 3.ix ix.91 8340 39 0.0
Late 471 8.ane 5.ii 9.43 8480 315 0.0 495 4.7 nine.90 10,040 25 0.0
Hillsborough Early on 432 9.0 5.5 8.64 2900 6917 0.0 510 ten.20 7335 100 115.0
Mid 338 eight.9 v.3 half dozen.75 375 5862 27.0 502 7.6 five.0 10.04 8035 55 126.0
Tardily 354 9.0 4.ii seven.07 767 6216 41.0 504 8.ii 4.5 x.08 8048 88 163.0
Northward Wyke Early 405 8.iii 5.three 8.10 6521 554 0.0 440 8.2 4.3 8.80 7079 18 0.1
Mid 429 7.3 4.8 8.57 6284 1230 ane.0 481 7.v 4.two 9.61 6833 <50 0.4
Late 435 9.2 iv.v 8.70 7382 2020 ii.v 423 7.4 3.4 8.45 7774 <l 0.eight
Pwllpeiran Early 565 9.3 five.6 10,100 2743 0.3 495 9.3 4.4 nine.91 9620 315 0.3
Mid 568 seven.viii 5.five eleven.37 6840 822 0.3 498 7.4 3.9 9.96 7840 25 0.2
Late 505 seven.8 four.7 ten.10 8820 115 0.3 508 vii.5 four.ane 10.15 ten,040 25 0.0

Table 4b

Average dung composition, and N and C loading rates for each experiment.

DM = dry matter.

Archived data sources: Bell et al. (2017); Cardenas et al. (2017); McGeough et al. (2017); Thorman et al., 2017a, Thorman et al., 2017b.

Grazing season menstruation Full N loading
(kg ha−1)
Total N
(k kg−ane DM)
NH4 +-N
(mg kg−ane DM)
NO3 -N
(mg kg−one DM)
Crichton Early 1020 12.nine 5.10 410 0.0
Mid 680 eleven.5 3.xl 260 0.0
Late 720 3.60 230 0.0
Drayton Early 840 7.6 18.9 22.2 5020 24.5
Mid 736 7.6 36.2 ten.two 3680 6.nine
Late 802 seven.8 27.0 xiv.8 4443 0.0
Hillsborough Early 980 6.nine 14.5 iv.ninety 500 0.0
Mid 976 7.iii fourteen.3 4.90 669 0.0
Late 1008 7.7 14.3 5.00 683 0.0
North Wyke Early on 911 7.0 14.v 31.iv 3035 0.1
Mid 625 7.iv 48.0 4310 21.half-dozen
Late 771 7.five twenty.5 18.8 2940 20.8
Pwllpeiran Early 769 seven.v 24.five 15.7 5095 25.ii
Mid 823 7.3 23.3 17.vii 6497 7.9
Late 866 7.5 24.1 eighteen.0 5833 3.5

A urine treatment containing DCD was added, with DCD practical at a rate of 10 kg ha−one equivalent (supplying 6.five kg N ha−1 equivalent), and was mixed with urine (only) merely before application, to maximise initial co-location of DCD and NHiv + in the soil contour. This approach too simulated the event of delivering DCD via boluses (Ledgard et al., 2008), feed (Luo et al., 2015; Minet et al., 2016, Minet et al., 2018) and via water troughs (Welten et al., 2014). The post-obit treatments were established:

  • Urine (target 500 kg Northward ha−1)

  • Urine + DCD (target 500 kg N ha−1 + 6.v kg N ha−i in DCD)

  • Artificial urine (500 kg Northward ha−one; Kool et al., 2006 recipe)

  • Dung (target 800 kg Northward ha−1)

  • Control (no additions)

Five chambers were ready up for each treatment plot, and 3 replicate plots per treatment were arranged in three blocks. Tabular array 4a, Table 4b shows application rates for urine and dung at each site.

2.4. Handling applications

Urine treatments were practical to an surface area of 0.half dozen k × 0.half-dozen thousand within a frame to facilitate infiltration (rather than runoff) using a watering can. After application, static chambers were inserted centrally into this expanse. Dung pats were spread to cover the unabridged area within the sleeping room. Nosotros recognise that urine and dung patches are not normally this large, and take "edges", but this method of application was deemed the most appropriate to simulate the urine patch and dung pat. It is possible that by applying the N source across the whole area of the chamber that NorthtwoO production and emission may have been affected, but there is no evidence to suggest that this would result in either an under- or over-estimate of the truthful emission (Marsden et al., 2016). In addition to the urine and dung patches that were established for the NtwoO bedchamber measurements, larger areas of grassland (ii one thousand × 2 m) on each plot (i.due east. three replicates per treatment) were treated with either urine or dung at the same rate, allowing multiple soil sampling occasions for soil NOiii , soil NH4 + and soil moisture.

2.5. Nitrous oxide measurements

We used the non-steady state static bedchamber approach to mensurate Northward2O fluxes (Cardenas et al., 2016). The shape and size of the chambers were 0.4 m × 0.4 thou × 0.25 m (high) for the ADAS, N Wyke and AFBI experiments, and 0.4 m diameter × 0.3 k (high) for the SRUC experiments, with private chamber areas of 0.16 and 0.xiii m2, respectively. Chambers were opaque. Chamber headspace sampling followed the protocol detailed in Chadwick et al. (2014), whereby chambers were airtight for a period of 40 min and a headspace sample taken at this fourth dimension (T40). Ten ambient air samples (5 at the start and five at the end of the chamber closure period) were used to provide the T0 concentration. Gas samples were placed in pre-evacuated 20 ml vials and transported back to individual laboratories for assay past gas chromatography. Five chambers were assigned randomly per plot; these generated one mean flux per plot. The headspace sampling assumed a linear increment in headspace N2O concentration (as evidenced by previous research; Chadwick et al., 2014). This linear response was checked on each sampling occasion by measuring the headspace concentration at 10 min intervals up to 60 min subsequently closure, from i bedchamber per block.

Sampling frequency was 4–five times in the first week subsequently treatment application, 4–5 times in the 2nd week, two times per week for the adjacent two weeks, and so once per week for ane month. Sampling frequency was then reduced further, eventually to in one case per calendar month until the finish of the experiment (12 months), resulting in ca. 30 samples over the 12-month flow following application in order to comply with IPCC recommendations (IPCC, 1996).

two.6. Other measurements

2.6.1. Dung and urine composition

Dung and urine sub-samples were taken on the 24-hour interval of application and characterised by measuring pH (in H2O), dry matter (DM), total N (by Kjeldahl) and total organic carbon content, either using a modified Walkley-Blackness approach, or analysis by a TOC analyser (uv persulphate oxidation). The readily available N content was as well determined, i.e. ammonium N (NH4 +-Northward) and nitrate Due north (NO3 -Northward). In addition, two xxx ml sub-samples of urine were taken from each block and preserved by diluting 1:3 with HPLC grade deionised water. The showtime sample was acidified by adding i M H2SOfour to reduce the pH to three (using a pH meter). To the 2d sample, 100 μl chloroform was added. Both sub-samples were stored at −xx °C before assay for urea, hippuric acrid, allantoin, uric acid and creatinine, by HPLC (using methods described in Kool et al., 2006).

two.6.2. Soil mineral Northward and moisture decision

Soil NH4 +-N and NO3 -N: Soil samples (0–10 cm) were taken from the dedicated sampling areas of each plot on 10–12 occasions during the 12-month experiment. Fresh soil was passed through a 5 mm sieve earlier extracting with 2 M KCl and filtering. Filtrates were frozen prior to analysis for NH4 +-N and NO3 -Northward concentrations past colorimetric determination (Singh et al., 2011) using Skalar segmented flow analysers.

Soil moisture content: sub-samples of the sieved soil were weighed (fresh weight) before oven drying at 105 °C overnight, and then reweighed. Soil moisture content was converted to %WFPS using the bulk density of the site (run into below) and a particle size density of 2.65 chiliad cmthree.

2.half dozen.3. Majority density

Three representative bulk density measurements were fabricated per site, one per block (walking and sampling a 'W' route across each block), at the start of the experiment, using 100 cmiii majority density rings, and drying at 105 °C overnight.

ii.6.four. Weather data

Daily rainfall and hourly air and soil (0–5 cm) temperature were recorded on site, or daily data used from a nearby weather station (within 1 km) (Table 3).

Tabular array 3

Weather and soil data for the different urine and dung applications.

Archived information sources: Bell et al. (2017); Cardenas et al. (2017); McGeough et al. (2017); Thorman et al., 2017a, Thorman et al., 2017b.

Whole measurement period
Initial 30 d after awarding
Twenty-four hour period of application
Site Grazing season period Measurement period Total rainfall (mm) Average temperature (°C) Total rainfall (mm) Average temperature (°C) Boilerplate WFPS
Daily rainfall (mm) Average daily temperature (°C) WFPS
Crichton Early 03/04/12–18/03/13 1325 8.6 60 7.5 51.9 0.i 5.3 41.4
Mid 27/06/12–10/06/xiii 1262 viii.7 125 14.7 58.3 2.3 12.ix 54.8
Late 08/10/12–25/09/13 1142 nine.1 137 7.half-dozen 69.8 0.0 8.4
Drayton Early 02/05/13–17/04/fourteen 726 ten.7 78 10.nine twoscore.1 0.0 10.0 43.6
Mid 15/08/xiii–29/07/fourteen 769 9.4 l 15.eight 31.0 1.4 20.5 27.5
Belatedly 17/10/13–14/10/14 787 8.0 123 ix.0 45.2 0.0 12.5 42.five
Hillsborough Early on two/04/12–ane/04/thirteen 1191 8.0 77 vi.3 84.1 i.4 8.3 88.5
Mid 25/06/12–24/06/13 1110 8.two 102 xiv.0 89.3 0.0 12.1 83.ane
Tardily 17/09/12–16/09/13 1080 viii.2 135 8.8 89.9 0.8 10.9 89.7
North Wyke Early fifteen/05/12–09/05/13 1405 9.6 143 thirteen.ix 57.5 7.4 58.three
Mid 03/07/12–11/06/thirteen 1246 9.4 103 13.6 62.0 15.4 62.four
Late 26/09/12–10/09/13 1288 ix.five 160 9.1 63.1 11.1 12.4 71.6
Pwllpeiran Early eleven/04/xiii–27/03/14 1878 10.iv 96 8.4 44.viii 7.viii 44.1
Mid 04/07/13–16/06/xiv 1844 ten.viii 61 17.2 36.7 0.0 xiv.four 44.ane
Tardily 12/09/13–27/08/14 1841 98 thirteen.six 44.8 xiii.6 fourteen.iv 42.2 Information processing and statistics

The North2O flux for each chamber was calculated past inbound data for the sample vials N2O concentration, air temperature, closure period and chamber heights into a standard spreadsheet used by all project partners. The mean of the v chambers per plot was calculated and used for subsequent calculations of cumulative emissions, using the trapezoidal rule (Cardenas et al., 2010). EFs were calculated by subtracting cumulative NiiO emissions from command plots from treatment plots in the aforementioned cake. For the urine handling with DCD the Northward content in the DCD was taken into business relationship for the calculation of the EF. EFs uniformity of distribution were checked and, if necessary, Box Cox transformation was used on all NiiO data to normalise distribution. Statistical analyses were designed to test:

  • i)

    the effect of geographical site on North2O EFs for the dissimilar treatments

  • ii)

    the effect of season of awarding on Due northiiO EFs for different treatments

  • 3)

    the difference between urine and dung N2O EFs

  • iv)

    the effect of DCD in reducing NiiO EFs from urine application

Treatment effects and their interactions were evaluated using the F-test in analysis of variance (ANOVA) of each site according to the randomised block design. Multiple comparing of treatment ways, if significant, were tested using the Tukey method (Hsu, 1996). When 'treatment × flavour' interaction was significant then treatments were compared inside each season, and seasons were compared with each handling. In addition, all five sites were combined using REML Meta-analysis in Genstat (VSN International, 2015) where the fixed effects model included main effects and interactions of sites, treatments and seasons (random effects model accounted for the design factors).

Multiple regression analysis (frontward selection process in Genstat) was used to explore the key soil (% clay, pH, initial % WFPS, average WFPS for first 30 days), environs (boilerplate temperature for the first xxx days, average temperature for 365 days subsequently application, total rainfall for the get-go 30 days, total rainfall for 365 days after application) and urine/dung composition (full urine/dung N content, total urine urea content, total urine/dung ammonium content, uric acid content, hippuric acrid content, allantoin content, creatinine content, N application rate) factors that controlled the cumulative N2O fluxes and NtwoO EFs. The main effects of up to (maximum) 10 terms was estimated. No interaction terms were included for selection. In developing a multiple regression model, correlation among the predictor factors (known every bit multicollinearity) can affect model equation stability. For this modelling exercise, we used the statistical parcel Genstat (Genstat 18th Ed.; VSN International, 2015), which has the congenital-in facility to check for whatsoever multicollinearity issues (any such trouble can be dealt with by using Genstat Procedure "Ridge" regression which incorporates Principal Component (PCA) regression).

3. Results

3.1. Urine and dung composition

The N content of the urine used in the 15 experiments (Tabular array 4a) were typical for cattle urine (Dijkstra et al., 2013; Selbie et al., 2015; Gardiner et al., 2016), ranging from 6.eight to xi.4 m l−1 (average nine.xi g fifty−i ± 0.35). In most cases urea-N represented between sixty and 100% of the full North content. However, for the three experiments at Hillsborough, the low urea-North content of the urine was linked to a high urine ammonium-N content (Table 4a), indicating hydrolysis of urea prior to application to the soil. Since urea hydrolysis is such a rapid procedure once urine has been deposited on the soil, we do non consider the NiiO emissions from the 3 Hillsborough experiments to take been directly affected by this.

Concentrations of the purine derivatives in the urine varied markedly between the different seasons of drove for the different experiments at each site, and between sites (Table 5).

Table 5

Concentrations (g l−1) of purine derivatives in cattle urine used in the experiments. *Detection limit of the analytical arroyo.

To convert from mg molecule l−i to mg N l−one, multiply hippuric acid past 0.078138, allantoin by 0.354161, uric acid by 0.333115, and creatinine by 0.371287.

Archived data sources: Bell et al. (2017); Cardenas et al. (2017); McGeough et al. (2017); Thorman et al., 2017a, Thorman et al., 2017b.

Site Grazing season period Hippuric acrid Allantoin Uric acid Creatinine
Crichton Early 9.17 2.42 0.thirty 0.68
Mid i.57 ane.70 0.45 1.29
Belatedly 7.69 three.89 0.41 0.77
Drayton Early <0.50* ii.83 0.48 0.58
Mid <0.50* <0.40* 0.55 0.62
Tardily 8.02 iii.51 0.54 0.68
Hillsborough Early on <0.50* 0.74 0.15 0.xl
Mid <0.l* <0.twoscore* 0.06 <0.10*
Belatedly <0.50* <0.xl* 0.12 <0.10*
Northward Wyke Early on 3.92 1.91 0.37 0.76
Mid <0.50* <0.forty* 0.40 0.52
Late 4.86 <0.twoscore* 0.35 0.52
Pwllpeiran Early 5.13 0.84 0.36 0.81
Mid <0.50* <0.twoscore* 0.31 0.25
Late 8.92 3.67 0.03 0.73

This reflects differences in the diets that cattle were fed prior to drove of the urine on each occasion (come across Table two for a summary of the diets), and differences betwixt cattle groups at each collection site. However, concentrations are typical of those reported in the literature (Dijkstra et al., 2013; Selbie et al., 2015; Gardiner et al., 2016). The measured N contained in the purine derivatives represented from 3 to 28% of the total N content of the urine (average 12.five% ± 0.02).

The total N content of the dung ranged from 3.4 to 48.0 g kg−1 (DM), whilst the DM content ranged from x.six–36.2% (Tabular array 4b). The full N loadings in the urine and dung treatments were typical for cattle, 338–568 kg ha−1 (average 455 ± 17.6) and 625–1020 kg ha−1 (boilerplate 835 ± 31.9), respectively. These values are within reported ranges (Selbie et al., 2015).

3.two. Weather

Annual rainfall was greater than the 30-year mean in ii (of the three) Crichton experiments, and all iii experiments at Drayton, Hillsborough, North Wyke and Pwllpeiran. Boilerplate almanac air temperature was similar to the 30-twelvemonth mean at Crichton and Pwllpeiran, cooler at Hillsborough and North Wyke, and warmer at Drayton. All the same, it is more likely that the weather conditions immediately before urine and dung awarding, and inside the beginning three months after application would accept the most influence on N2O production and emission (come across Table 3).

3.3. Nitrous oxide emissions

3.3.1. Controls

Background (control) cumulative N2O emissions ranged from −0.03–1.26 kg NiiO-N ha−i for all sites and all experiments, with an boilerplate from the data in Table 6 of 0.49 kg NorthiiO-N ha−1 (±0.10). From the meta-assay, we discover that across all seasons, the Due northiiO emissions from the controls were significantly greater from the Crichton, North Wyke and Pwllpeiran sites compared to the Drayton site (p < 0.05). Within an individual site, emissions from controls also varied between seasons of application, peculiarly at the North Wyke site. At that place was no statistically significant relationship between the urine NiiO EF and the cumulative annual NtwoO emission from the control plots (p > 0.05). Beyond all sites, Northward2O emissions from the command plots at the early grazing application timing were significantly greater than from the late-grazing application (p < 0.05). Regression modelling indicated that the cardinal factors controlling the magnitude of the almanac Northward2O fluxes from control plots were soil organic carbon content, clay content, bulk density, WFPS during the outset 30d subsequently application, and average almanac temperature, with these factors accounting for ca. 56% of the variance in emissions. The resulting total regression equation was: Cumulative N2O flux (kg Northward ha−one) = three.981–0.0846 SOC − 0.02220 initial WFPS + 0.01052 × 30d WFPS − i.683 Majority density − 0.01807 Clay content − 0.0408 × 365d average temperature.

Table 6

Average cumulative N2O emissions and Due northtwoO EFs from the urine and dung treatments at each experimental site for each application. (Values in italics are standard errors of the mean).

Archived data sources: Bell et al. (2017); Cardenas et al. (2017); McGeough et al. (2017); Thorman et al., 2017a, Thorman et al., 2017b.

Within each site/timing experiment (rows), average total NorthtwoO emissions or Northward2O EFs between excretal N sources with different letters are significantly different (p < 0.05, N = 3).

Cumulative emissions of Due northiiO (kg NtwoO ha−1)
NorthwardiiO EF (% of applied N)
Site Grazing season period Command Urine Urine
Artificial urine Dung Urine Urine
Artificial urine Dung
Crichton Early 0.96a
Mid 0.61a
Late 0.79a
Drayton Early 0.18a
Mid 0.03a
Late −0.03a
half-dozen.47 cd
Hillsborough Early 0.36a
Mid 0.23a
Late 0.15a
N Wyke Early one.26a
Mid 0.80a
Late 0.03a
Pwllpeiran Early 0.49a
Mid 0.42a
Late 0.52a
Average of all sites and seasons 0.69

iii.iii.two. Urine

Examples of daily N2O fluxes are shown in Fig. 3 for the late-flavor urine, dung and command treatments at the Drayton site. These data evidence two distinct peaks in NtwoO fluxes, something observed in several of the experiments (due east.g. Cardenas et al., 2016), suggesting the peaks in emission are associated either with dissimilar processes (eastward.thou. denitrification of soil NO3 during the starting time peak as a issue of the carbon add-on in the urine, and nitrification of the urine NHiv source during the 2d top), or different pools of N being the substrate for denitrification ( thousand. the starting time top associated with the urine-derived NHfour, and the 2d tiptop associated with other more recalcitrant pools, due east.g. N independent in purine derivatives). Further research using labelled urine N compounds would help reveal the underpinning processes and/or Northward sources responsible for the two peaks in emission.

Fig. 3

Daily mean North2O fluxes following urine and dung treatments at Drayton after a late-season awarding. (North = 3, vertical bars are standard error of the hateful).

The hateful urine North2O EF was 0.69% (±0.twenty), ranging from 0.05–2.96 (Table 6). Across all seasons of application, the meta-analysis showed that the N2O EF was significantly greater from the North Wyke site than other sites (p < 0.05) (Fig. 4). Whilst beyond all sites, the North2O EF was significantly greater following an early-grazing awarding (p < 0.05) (Fig. five). DCD reduced the N2O EF from urine in 13 of the 15 experiments, although this reduction was just significant in 5 of these experiments (Tabular array half-dozen). The average N2O EF for the urine + DCD treatment was 0.37% (±0.09) (Table vi). So, the use of DCD resulted in an average reduction in the North2O EF of 46%, although the range in efficacy was broad, i.e. from an increase in the Due north2O EF of 32% (mid-season application at Hillsborough) to a reduction of 75% (at the same site from the early-flavour application).

Fig. 4

Average NorthiiO EF (beyond iii seasons of application) for each site, for urine and dung treatments.

Inside each urine/dung treatment, average NiiO EFs (from meta-analysis) between sites with unlike messages are significantly different (N = 3, vertical lines are standard error of the hateful).

Fig. 5

Effect of urine/dung treatment awarding timing (beyond all sites) on average NorthiiO EF.

Inside each handling, boilerplate NiiO EFs (from meta-analysis) between timings of awarding with different letters are significantly different (Northward = 3, vertical lines are standard error of the mean).

three.iii.3. Artificial urine

The mean artificial urine NtwoO EF was similar to that of the existent urine, 0.66% (±0.18) (Table 6), and at that place was a good human relationship between the North2O EFs for existent and bogus urine (rtwo = 0.77). Beyond all seasons, the meta-analysis showed that the Northward2O EF from the bogus urine was significantly greater at North Wyke and Hillsborough (p < 0.05) than the other sites (Fig. iv). Beyond all sites, the greatest NorthiiO EF occurred post-obit the early-grazing application (p < 0.05) (Fig. 5).

three.3.4. Dung

The mean N2O EF for dung (from the meta-assay) was 0.19% (±0.03), with a range of 0.04–0.53 (Tabular array 6), which was significantly lower than for urine (p < 0.05). The meta-analysis showed there was no issue of site or season of application on the North2O EF from dung (p > 0.05) (Fig. 4, Fig. 5).

three.4. Factors affecting NorthwardtwoO fluxes from urine and dung

It is clear that there were significant (p < 0.05) effects of excretal N source and flavor of awarding at each site, as well as 'treatment' × 'season' interactions (Tabular array 7).

Table 7

Significance F-test probabilities for cumulative NtwoO emission and N2O EF, by timing of application, site, and timing of awarding × site interactions, from randomised block design ANOVA for each experiment.

Treatments Application time Interaction
Crichton Total NtwoO
Drayton Total NtwoO
Hillsborough Full Due north2O
Due north Wyke Total NtwoO
Pwllpeiran Total N2O

3.four.1. Urine

Multiple regression analysis showed that the factors that best explained cumulative N2O emissions from urine awarding mainly included urine limerick and soil pH. The factors explaining 91.1% of the variance in cumulative N2O emissions from urine patches are shown via this equation: Cumulative NtwoO flux (kg N ha−ane) = −61.94 + 38.50 urine creatinine content −0.0042 urine urea N content +0.003310 urine ammonium Due north content +0.002801 urine total nitrogen content +4.115 soil pH −1.036 urine hippuric acrid content +4.340 urine pH −viii.06 urine uric acid content. >75% of the variance in total N2O flux was explained by the urine total North, urea-N, ammonium-North, uric acid and creatinine content.

The full equation of factors explaining 91.1% of the urine NiiO EF was; EF% = −15.9 + viii.776 urine creatinine content −0.0009595 urine urea Northward content −0.0007965 urine ammonium N content +one.014 soil pH +0.0005941 urine total nitrogen content −0.2563 urine hippuric acid content +ane.116 urine pH −ii.059 urine uric acid content. >75% of the variance in Due northiiO EF was explained by the urine total N, urea-N, ammonium-Northward, uric acid and creatinine content.

3.4.2. Dung

In contrast to urine, multiple regression showed that the factors that best explained cumulative N2O emissions from dung application included environmental and soil factors (besides as dung factors). The full equation, explaining 68.3% of the variance in cumulative NorthwardtwoO emissions from dung in this report was; Cumulative NiiO flux (kg N ha−i) = four.15–0.0579 initial %WFPS −0.308 365d average temperature −0.805 soil pH −0.0408 dung nitrate N content −0.00082 full nitrogen applied +1.053 soil organic carbon −10.50 soil dry bulk density +i.927 dung pH.

The full equation of factors explaining 66.five% of the dung NiiO EF was; EF% = −0.295 + 0.0001187 dung ammonium Northward content +0.01784 30d %WFPS − 0.01473 dung nitrate Northward content − 0.002143 total nitrogen applied − 0.02343 30d average temperature + 0.1159 soil organic carbon +0.1747 dung full nitrogen content +0.0452 365d average temperature.

iv. Discussion

Urine North2O EFs were significantly greater (boilerplate 0.69%) than the dung Northward2O EFs (boilerplate 0.nineteen%), signifying the importance of the Nr content as a substrate for the soil processes, nitrification and denitrification, responsible for N2O production. Our urine and dung N2O EFs are similar to some of those measured by New Zealand researchers, summarised by Kelliher et al. (2014). In New Zealand, urine N2O EFs are categorised by livestock species and farming system (lowland, hill land low and high slope), and our results are more similar to the NiiO EFs for the hill-country low slope dairy cattle urine (average of 0.84%) and dung (boilerplate of 0.20%). By dissimilarity, Krol et al. (2016) reported larger boilerplate urine and dung NiiO EFs for 9 experiments conducted in Ireland of i.18% (urine) and 0.39% (dung); EFs approximately double the values we have measured. In this series of experiments, Krol et al. (2016) applied urine at a higher Northward loading rate (average of 720 kg Northward ha−ane) than in our study (boilerplate of 455 kg N ha−1). All the same, the greater NtwoO EF from the dung in the Irish study (0.39%) was despite using a lower N loading charge per unit (average of 459 kg N ha−ane) than in our study (835 kg N ha−ane), suggesting that North loading was not the merely factor resulting in the greater urine Due north2O EFs in these Irish experiments. Soil and environmental factors appeared to have been more conducive to N2O production and emission in this Irish written report.

In our report, DCD reduced the urine N2O EFs by an average of 46%, although there was considerable variability in its efficacy to reduce N2O emissions (between sites and between seasons). In a related written report, McGeough et al. (2016) took soil from these five United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland grassland sites, and an boosted four arable sites, and demonstrated that the efficacy of DCD to inhibit nitrification was controlled past the interaction between temperature, soil clay content and soil organic matter. Moreover, this written report ended that DCD was more than constructive in arable soils than in these grassland soils (McGeough et al., 2016). The average DCD NiiO mitigation efficacy we measured (46%), and the range of efficacy that we measured are similar to other studies. For example, Selbie et al. (2014) showed that DCD increased the urine N2O EF by an average of +four% (a small increase) for urine applied at a loading rate of 500 kg Due north ha−1, but resulted in a 30% reduction for urine practical at thou kg N ha−1 (in New Zealand). Misselbrook et al. (2014) reported a greater efficacy of DCD to reduce the urine NiiO EF, by 70% on a sandy clay loam in SW England. Recently, Minet et al. (2018) showed DCD, applied at x kg ha−i, could reduce the urine NorthtwoO EF by 34% (from 0.80% to 0.52%), but that DCD applied at 30 kg ha−1 reduced the urine N2O EF further, by 64%. Annotation: efficacy of DCD is often reported for cumulative emissions, with reported values beingness much higher than the efficacy of reducing the EF itself (east.g. Selbie et al., 2014). All the same, the efficacy of DCD to reduce North2O EFs is needed if national inventories are to be modified accordingly.

We constitute show of the effect of timing on N2O EFs, with larger EFs occurring following early-flavour urine awarding/deposition (Fig. 5). Krol et al. (2016) likewise explored the consequence of season of urine application on Northward2O EFs from Irish grasslands, and showed that EFs varied seasonally, with the highest EFs in the autumn, and that emission were also dependent on soil type. Indeed, relationships between the magnitude of N2O EFs with "generic" flavor of deposition should be interpreted with caution, equally soil and environmental conditions can vary markedly within a season. Hence, the importance of using statistical regression modelling to explore the key controls. Whilst there were insufficient data from our 15 experiments to be able to explore the relationships between cumulative N2O emissions, North2O EFs and climate/soil with certainty, the limited regression assay showed that Due north2O emissions associated with urine were more than related to urine composition than environmental and soil factors, whilst for dung which has a relatively low inorganic N content, N2O emissions were too controlled past soil and ecology factors. Krol et al. (2016) as well used regression modelling to show the importance of rainfall and temperature before, and soil moisture deficit after, application of excretal deposition, on N2O emissions from ix experiments on Irish grasslands. We recognise the limitations of conducting regression assay on such small information sets. Yet, at that place is potential to generate a much larger data set by combining data from studies where soils and climate are like, and where similar protocols were followed, e.g. Krol et al. (2016), Minet et al. (2018), and data from some New Zealand experiments, to explore the controls of N2O emissions from urine and dung deposition, and generate improved EFs. Importantly, our unique dataset of daily Northward2O fluxes, cumulative emissions and emission factors, too every bit soil mineral Northward and moisture data with weather condition, soil and site data take all been archived for future employ by researchers (Bell et al., 2017; Cardenas et al., 2017; McGeough et al., 2017; Thorman et al., 2017a; Thorman et al., 2017b), and to let integration with time to come datasets that get available.

To calculate a provisional excretal N2O EF, based on the data presented in this study, we presume a 60:40 separate betwixt the total N excreted in urine and dung (Webb and Misselbrook, 2004). We estimate a combined excretal NtwoO EF, based on our mean urine and dung N2O EFs data of 0.49%. These UK information have now been combined with the very few additional IPCC compliant United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland experimental datasets (see Misselbrook et al., 2014) to generate a new state specific Due north2O EF of 0.44%. This is <25% of the IPCC (2006) default EF for cattle grazing excreta (EF3), and ca. 50% of the default EF for sheep grazing excreta. If we substitute this new pasture, range and paddock EF for both cattle and sheep into the IPCC, 2006 methodology for calculating the Great britain inventory, we judge a reduction of kt NorthwardtwoO (18% less N2O for UK agriculture for 2015) and for total U.k. agricultural GHG emissions, a reduction of 3.4 Mt. CO2e, or 7% for UK agriculture for 2015. This new EF is used in dorsum-casting to 1990, and so has no bearing on meeting the UKs aggressive greenhouse gas mitigation target. However, a reduced GHG emission from agriculture means that a greater proportion of the emission can be "offset" by carbon sequestration, and suggests that e.g. state sparing strategies may be more realistic (Lamb et al., 2016). The lower state specific pasture, range and paddock EF3 also has implications for computing carbon footprints of ruminant livestock products in the Great britain.

Clearly, this written report focussed on cattle urine and dung where applications were made to lowland mineral soils, and where urine and dung were nerveless from cattle fed "lowland" diets. So, questions ascend about a) extrapolating the N2O EF data to sheep; indeed the IPCC default sheep urine Due northtwoO EF (1%) is greater than the new combined cattle excreta NorthtwoO EF from our study, and b) extrapolating the new NtwoO EF data to beef and sheep grazing in the uplands, on much more organic and potentially acidic soils, and where weather and soil weather as well as urine/dung limerick may be very different.

five. Conclusions

This was the first co-ordinated written report in the Great britain to generate data to develop a country specific grazing excreta North2O EF for cattle. Results confirmed that urine is the greatest source of Due northiiO compared to dung, and that the nitrification inhibitor, DCD, offers the potential to reduce N2O emissions from urine patches, although its efficacy across the sites and seasons was variable. Understanding what controls this variability, and the development of cost effective delivery mechanisms need to be addressed if this technology is to exist adopted. Importantly, the results of this report provide evidence that for the UK soil and climatic conditions, the NorthtwoO EF for grazing excreta for cattle is significantly lower (0.49%) than the IPCC default (2%) with implications for both authorities and the ruminant livestock industries as they seek to run into challenging greenhouse gas mitigation targets and greenhouse gas emission roadmaps, respectively. Further questions arise in terms of the validity of extrapolating these information from cattle to sheep grazing, and from mineral to organic soils.

Data argument

Our unique datasets of daily Due north2O fluxes, cumulative emissions and emission factors, as well as soil mineral North and moisture data with conditions, soil and site information from all fifteen experiments take been archived for future use by researchers (see: Bell et al., 2017; Cardenas et al., 2017; McGeough et al., 2017; Thorman et al., 2017a; Thorman et al., 2017b), and to allow integration with future datasets that go bachelor.


The authors are grateful to the UK Section for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), the Section of Agriculture and Rural Development (now the Department of Agriculture, Environs and Rural Diplomacy) in Northern Ireland, and the Scottish Government and the Welsh Government for financial support via the InveNiiOry projection (AC0116). The work past Rothamsted Research was additionally supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (Bbs/E/C/000I0320). Nosotros would likewise like to thank Jon Moorby (IBERS, Wales, Great britain), Reading University, SRUC (Scotland, Britain) and Conrad Ferris (AFBI, Northern Ireland, Great britain), for provision of cattle urine and dung.


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